High input voltage charger with power path management | Heisener Electronics
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High input voltage charger with power path management

Technology Cover
Nach Datum: 2023-03-31, Renesas Electronics America

The ISL9301 is a fully integrated high input voltage single-cell lithium-ion battery charger with power path management capabilities. The charger performs CC/CV charging functions required for lithium-ion batteries. The charger accepts an input voltage of up to 28V, but will be disabled when the input voltage exceeds the 10.5V OVP threshold.

The 28V rating eliminates the overvoltage protection circuit needed for low-voltage chargers. Charge current and end charge (EOC) current are programmable external resistors. When the battery voltage is below 2.8V, the charger precharges the battery with the programmed charging current of 16%. During the CV charging phase, when the charging current is reduced to the programmable EOC current level, the EOC indicator light (CHG) is switched to a logical HIGH to indicate the end-of-charge condition.



The charger will continue charging until the user programmed timeout interval has expired, and then the charger terminates. The ISL9301 uses a separate power path to power the system load and charge the battery. This feature allows the system to run immediately after the battery is fully discharged.

Block Diagram


This feature also allows charging to be terminated when the battery is full while continuing to provide an input source to the system, thereby minimizing unnecessary charge and discharge cycles and improving battery life. The two indicator pins (PPR and CHG) allow for simple interface with the microprocessor or led.

Typical Application Circuit



● Complete Charger for Single-Cell Li-ion/Polymer Batteries

● Power Path Management Optimize Charge and System Currents

● Intelligent Timeout Interval Based on Actual Charge Current

● Integrate Disconnect Switch to Disconnect the Battery

● 1% Charger Output Voltage Accuracy

● The Programmable Charge Current

● Programmable End-of-Charge Current

● Charge Current Thermal Foldback for Thermal Protection

● Trickle Charge for Fully Discharged Batteries

● 28V Maximum Voltage at VIN pin

● Power Presence and Charge Indications

● Ambient Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C

● 10 Ld 3x3 DFN Package

● Pb-Free (RoHS Compliant)


● Mobile phone

● Bluetooth device


● MP3 player

● Independent charger

● Other handheld devices

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